The Architects Band / by S. Joshua Brincko

There’s a dude named Josh in a heavy death metal band called The Architects that looks something like me. No, it’s not me. Yea, he’s an “architect,” also named Josh, the same age, physique, hair, and very handsome, successful, and talented, but no, it’s not me. Ok, yes, it actually is me. Most of you didn’t know I was in a death metal band. Just kidding. It’s really not me. Or is it? Google “josh architect” and decide for yourself.

Either way, if you’d like to learn more about our design process, visit, and if you’d like to get us started on your project with a feasibility report, please visit


That’s all folks.

If you’d like to learn more about our design process, visit, and if you’d like to get us started on your project with a feasibility report, please visit